Vantage point

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Been meaning to update my "favourite blogs" list for a while now. Finally remembered it and am doing it right now. There are 5 new entries. Some are not new, since I have been reading them for a while now, but been too absentminded to link them.

Teshu - For some reason his blog used to take ages to load, so with the slow connection that we often have here, his was not among the limited blogs I read daily. Now it loads quick, so yay! Lives in London and is passionately opposed to the war on Iraq.

Sameer - Another phamous blogger like Teshu. Lives in Mumbai, works in software, keeps hajaar blogs. I am linking the one that loads fastest. Unfortunately his lj blog refuses to load, so I read it rarely.

Ferzana - Another Londoner, calls bloggers up in Australia to chat with them. Is gifted air tickets to India.

Sara - She lives in Lahore, and is the first Pakistani on the blogroll. She has a real flair for writing. Do read her archives, especially the hilarious posts about her dad and her PC as well as her moving posts about her visits to the lesser known parts of Lahore.

Chavez - Real name Parvez, fellow Puneite, MBA, quizzer (have shared the stage with him on a couple of occasions, both as competitor and quizmaster), writes with a great deal of angst and also comes up with the funniest comments and posts.

Tony - Claim to fame - he was the guy who wrote that "teddy Bear" theory I had posted on my blogs some days ago. He has finally given in to the clamouring masses and decided to start a blog of his own. Not much there right now, but he will be in full flow in a week or so.