There is this entertainment show called "Parichay" at the insti today, performed by the freshers, followed by a typical saturday night party. Hence I will be up till late and wake up late too.
I love this lifestyle!!!
By the way, some seniors caught hold of some of us and made us have a "group discussion" on potato chips, for their marketing project. How can you have a GD on potato chips? Well, it was a free and frank GD, with some people displaying remarkable knowledge of the subject. I felt a little out of place. How often are you asked the question - "What do you look for in a potato chip?". And just think, in a year, I'll be asking such questions to bewildered PGP-Is myself.
By the way, now I am pretty sure that the cook reads this blog. So what follows is intended for him.
Dear cook bhaisaab, I am sorry if by praising your cooking during the initial days of my stay at IIML, i breached some protocol. I am sorry I confused banana with doodhi. But did you have to make doodhi today to show me what it is? As it is, you had made idlis in the morning, not really my idea of breakfast cuisine. I shall henceforth keep my trap shut about the food. Please make respectable sabjis only. Kapish(is that how they spell it?)?
Current mood- Very Happy, since I at a very pretty sight, and my eyes are happy
Current Music- Piya Basanti rey..(Ustad Sultan Khan)
By the way, Satyen, an IITB-wallah has got CD's of all the 8 seasons of friends from your network. Saw a few episodes today.
All in all, Life is Beautiful!!!
How's your's?