Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Does The Human Species Really Deserve To Survive?

If Darwin was right, do we really stand a chance at long term survival? A mail I recently received on a desi students' yahoogroups suggests otherwise. Without any further preamble, I present the mail -


I ll be staying at Vairo Village apts from Aug 15th.Before that i ll be buying a laptop.

It would be really helpful if the seniors can point out any specifications in the laptop i have to look out for that ll be suitable to vairo village etc...



I read. I re-read. I re-re-read. Words failed me. Even if, one is to give the kid the benefit of the doubt and assume he meant to ask about whether he should get a wireless card... come on! This is 2007. Who doesn't get a laptop without a wireless card?

As any compassionate individual who has been taught the values of sharing in pre-school, I immediately showed this mail to anyone and everyone on my list who was online. Anantha (the blogger formerly known as Anti) came up with an excellent response, which I tinkered with a bit and sent to the guy at once -

Actually I do have some specifications. Please make sure the screen is not more than 30" wide so that you can make sure that the laptop will fit through the doors in your apartment at vairo village when you carry it from the hall to your bedroom. Doorways in Vairo are seldom more than 30" inches wide.