Saturday, February 17, 2007

I, King Maker

Now coming to big one - the Indiblog of the Year. Admittedly, Vantage Point has its loyal followers, and I would have expressed modest surprise at the nomination had I not been so conceited. Now, I might be conceited, but I am also pragmatic. And I can smell a money-making opportunity. If there's one thing parliamentary democracy has taught us, it is that people with single-digit-percentage votebanks can make the much bigger leaders grovel, and can also make some money in the process.

So taking inspiration from the BSP, DMK, RJD, NCP, TDP and Joe Leiberman, I declare myself King-Maker. The race for the top spot is very hot. Amit Varma wants to defend his crown. Greatbong and yourfani (where i goes from 0 to infinity) would like RTDM to take the top spot. Falstaff would want to add one more footnote to his cap. Nilu would like to make sure that even the most emaciated orphans in Switzerland know that Recursive Hypocrisy is a cool name for a blog. Nilu would also like to convince all the potassium makers in Kazhakstan that he wants Krish to win. Krish himself, will not consider the honour that important since bookies have tipped him this year to be the first man ever to bag the Nobel Prizes for Physics, Economics and Peace in the same year and for the same work.

All of these contenders are invited to participate in an auction for the Sabnisian endorsement. Bidding starts at Rs. 125 crore. The bids can be sent to me by email and the bidders are requested to read the following instructions beforehand -

Amit Varma - I WILL NOT accept payment in cows. Paintings, I would not mind.
Greatbong - In addition to the money, I would also like my picture in your banner montage.
Falstaff - I WILL accept payment in Philly Cheesesteaks!
Nilu - Make sure theothernilu does not send me a separate mail on the same topic, or else your mail will seem too moronic to finish reading.
Krish - I also need a notarized promise that you WON'T thank me during your Nobel acceptance speech.

Readers, let the voting begin. Contenders, let the bidding begin. The extra votes you get over the next 2 days thanks to me could be the decisive factor.