One of the important criteria for me when i judge a movie is, how much thought has gone into the script and the screenplay. My complaint with most Hindi films is that their screenplays are very uni-layered. There is very little that you will additionally notice when watching the movie for the 3rd, 4th or 5th time, if you do watch it as many times that is.
One movie that has a very well-thought out screenplay is the classic Andaz Apna Apna. There are so many jokes in the movie that you notice at the 5th, 10th or 15th iteration, or often only when someone else points them out to you. Which is why I maintain that AAA ia THE best comedy movie ever made in India. I love JBDY too, but AAA is in a class of its own. An old post of mine about the classic - APNACEA - THE CURE FOR ALL ILLS
Today I joined the Andaz Apna Apna community on Orkut, and on the "Unnoticed Scenes" thread, I came across the following gems that I hadn't noticed, inspite of having watched the movie at least 25 times.
- Aamir khan goes to Tea shop..he is about to leave and at that time his friend enters....This guy is smoking cigarette and Aamir has Bidi..He asks that guy to give his Cigarette to light up his bidi...
After lighting guess what he does....
Right, he gives back Bidi and not Cigarette....
- Many of us may not have noticed this but when the climax is almost over and when Bajaj gets his diamonds back from Amar Prem, then starts a series of bad characters pointing gun one by one.
Notice the funny thing in the sequence:
2]As each bad guy comes and points the gun to the other he says his own punch line: for example
Teja: Pattey mai bhichaon aur game to....
Bhalla: Plan kay mutabiq heray idhar la
Robert: Sorry Sir Is dafa ghalti say koi mistake nahi hoinga
There are a couple of jokes I noticed at subsequent iterations -
- When their friend asks them "Tum logon ne Sholay dekhi hai?", Amar says "haan, iske baap ne likhi hai", pointing to Prem. Sholay was indeed, co-written by Salman's dad Salim Khan, one part of the famous salim-Javed duo.
- Towards the climax, when Prem gets a gun, and Amar is going from person-to-person gloating, he pulls on Robert's suspenders and lets them go, making them snap hard against his skin. Immediately, you can see Teja slipping off his suspenders.