Sunday, May 15, 2005

All Animals Are Equal....

....but some animals are more equal than others, wrote George Orwell in his masterpiece Animal Farm.

Somnath Chatterjee, the Honourable Speaker of the Lok Sabha proves this point as he gets a lot of wheeling-dealing done to ensure he doesn't have to go through airport security checks. Apparently, the comrade finds them "dishonourable" according to this report in the Times of India -

Speaker Somnath Chatterjee plans to stop by in France May 14-17 to address the French senate on his way to the US. But, as was evident in his recent difficulty with the Australians, the honourable Speaker would have felt dishonoured if he were to be put through the usual airport security hoops. We learn that New Delhi and Versailles chatted quietly with ahem-laden inquiries from the Indians – "Would you not, please?" – and "c'est la vie" shrugs from the French agreeing to arrange things. Which goes to show that the legendary Gallic penchant for discretion is so much nicer for bleep-phobic Speakers than the incorrigible frankness of Anglophone Aussies. We are relieved that hizzoner Chatterjee can now visit Paris when it sizzles.

So while the Tatas, Premjis, Murthys, Mittals, Ambanis, and the Sabnises :) of this world go through the security procedure without giving it too much thought......we all have more productive things to do right.....Chatterjee gets his red undies in a twist, and goes red in the face taking umbrage at being "dishonoured" thus.

Don't they know that Politburo members are more equal? Maybe the French didn't read Animal Farm, Hon Speaker, Sir. Or maybe they aren't aware of the Priviligentsia Raj that you lived through. Maybe while you are there, Comrade, you could suggest they change their motto too.