Vantage point

Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Oh my _!

Can't remember the last time I laughed so much after watching an ad. While surfing the channels just came across this ad for Rajnigandha Pan Masala.

Of late, pan masala brands seem to be targeting the "premium" segment. So instead of showing some village belles dancing and singing "khaini khaini", there have been attempts to be "sophisticated". I still hadn't stopped laughing at their last ad in which an Indian businessman in a designer suit is showing buying out a foreign firm which has vowed, in the beginning of the ad, to actually buy him out. After completing this acquisition, he opens a box of 'rajnigandha' and pops a spoonful of pan masala into his mouth as a chorus in the background goes 'Moonh Mein Rajnigandha Kadmon Mein Duniya'.

I still hadn't stopped laughing at that ad when this latest one literally had me rolling. In the ad, several "achievers" are shown eating Rajnigandha pan masala before their "achievements". It includes an orchestra conductor a la Zubin Mehta in a huge hall's the clincher.... an astronaut sharing pan masala with his fellow-astronauts!!!!!

What makes it even more hilarious is the fact that the production values of this ad are impeccable, so clearly a lot of money has been poured into the campaign. It's not like one of those tacky pan masala ads. This means that the Rajnigandha folks seriously think that they have a chance cracking into the young premium segment. And a chance real enough to spend so much in the advertising.

What are they smoking......or chewing?